Friday, April 11, 2014

Vouchers and standards assessments

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Republicans in the Florida House on Wednesday firmly rejected a proposal to require students who attend private schools with state-sponsored vouchers to take the same high-stakes tests given to students in public schools.
It's a vote that the GOP-controlled Legislature has taken before in the years since vouchers were first authorized. But it was still a key moment since state Senate Republicans say they won't expand one of the state's current voucher programs without additional testing requirements. (

Think about what is being said here...
The way I see it, if "a school voucher is a certificate of funding issued by the government (" then individuals receiving those funds should be held to the same accountability standards as all public school institutions. 

The logic is simple: public money funds public education - public education is held to specific accountability standards - standards are assessed to measure the growth of students receiving public money. 

Vouchers are public money - students who receive public money must then be assessed according to state generated accountability standards. 

If students receiving vouchers are not assessed according to the state standards then there are only two options I see:
1) Eliminate vouchers for students unless they agree to take state standard assessments.
2) Eliminate standrads assessments for all students receiving public money for public education.

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